10 May 2016

Bukan aku tak nampak kesalahan sendiri.
Tapi kesalahan kau, ada kau fikir.
Aku mengaku kesalahan sendiri.
Cuba memahami kau.
Tapi sikit pon kau tak fahami aku.
Kau buang aku begitu saja.

25 April 2016

biar saja ada,
yang terjadi biar saja terjadi.
Bagaimana pun hidup,
semua hanya cerita.
Cerita tentang meninggalkan dan yang ditinggalkan.

21 April 2016

Hidup dalam penipuan itu lagi sakit daripada ditinggalkan. 
Mengapa menyentuh hati jika tiada rasa cinta dan sayang.
Mengapa memberi harapan jika tiada sekelumit perasaan.

31 March 2016

He Loves You

There was a man who I once knew,
for me there was no other.
The closer to loving me he grew,
the more he would grow further.

I tried to love him as his friend,
then to love him as his lover,
but he never loved me in the end,
his heart was for another.

Well it hurts.

3 February 2015

Can we talk ?

All this time, i always want to talk to you 
about things that i've been keep inside.
Clear my name. 
Clear everything that make us hate each other.

13 September 2014

I dunno how to put my feeling into my own words, but this poem describe everything. It was me who supposed to be sad. Not you. Not him either.

The Girl He Loves

There was a man who i once knew,
for me there was no other.
The closer to loving me he grew,
the more he would grow further.

I tried to love him as his friend,
then to love him as lover,
but he never loved me in the end
his heart was for another.

6 August 2014

Lost Things

Do you know when you've lost something—like your favorite T-shirt or a set of keys—and while looking for it, you come across something else you once missed but have long since forgotten?

Well whatever it was, there was a point where you decided to stop searching, maybe because it was no longer required or a new replacement was found. It is almost as if it never existed in the first place—until that moment of rediscovery, a flash of recognition.

Everyone has one—an inventory of lost things waiting to be found. Yearning to be acknowledged for the worth they once held in your life.

I think this is where I belong—among all your other lost things. A crumpled note at the bottom of a drawer or an old photograph pressed between the pages of a book. I hope someday you will find me and remember what I once meant to you.

-Lang Leav-

30 June 2014

The perk of being me

Because i have so much to say and so many questions to ask you...
But i won't dare to say a word...
Because i'm afraid of what you might say...
Or worst i'm afraid you don't even remember me at all...
That's why i keep it all in my heart...

19 March 2014

90% of people are no longer friend with someone the claimed as a best friend.
They're considered as strangers with memories.

*i miss my bestfriends.
but now i'm just a stranger to you.

5 March 2014
